May 23, 2023
The Truth about Teams
When it comes to team performance and adherence to “best practices,” what works on paper or in a teambuilding workshop and what actually occurs are often two very different things. Not for lack of trying (in most cases!), the practical constraints of time, resources, and human nature often get in the way.
January 19, 2023
Patient Advocacy – Delivering on Patient Centricity in Drug Development
Historically, biopharma companies developed drugs for patients with an illness — but the illness was the primary focus. In recent years, much has changed. As drug development has become more enlightened, understanding the experience of people living with health conditions — their needs, goals, and the practicalities of daily life — has become integral to the process of developing innovative medicines.
December 12, 2022
Beyond the One-Hit Wonder
November 8, 2022
Optimizing Collaboration between Commercial and Medical Affairs
October 17, 2022
Survival in Uncertain Times
Like so many seasoned industry professionals, we eagerly seek thought leader perspectives — on the current biopharma industry landscape; the investment strategies purported to be in play; and (of course) the likely true impact of the Inflation Reduction Act in both the near- and mid-term.
June 27, 2022
Optimize Your Congress Planning
Regardless of your company or drug development stage, congress events are critical undertakings; they represent both a substantial opportunity and a significant investment of time and resources. These events provide an occasion to engage with a wide range of HCPs (including KOLs) to introduce new products, present data, gather insights, and more. Depending on your role in the company, the objectives that get you excited about attending one of these meetings will vary — you may not even be aware of some of the happenings outside your functional area.
May 25, 2022
Communicating Without a Communications Leader
Many of our clients are emerging companies striving towards their first clinical development program in anticipation of delivering on a promise to the patients they hope to serve. In most of these companies, leadership is appropriately focused on advancing the science and developing a “reason to believe” for both internal and external stakeholders (investigators, potential partners, investors, current and future employees, etc.).
April 25, 2022
It’s Not All About the Numbers
What is the difference between strategic thinking in quantifying the future and Excel gymnastics? This was a distinction I needed to learn in my early years of marketing and, more specifically, market research.
February 22, 2022
Finding Partners: Standing Out in a Field of Many
When biopharma executives or business development leaders think about developing their “partnering story,” the focus is often on the innovation. That’s understandable. These are science-based organizations, and without question, the innovation is fundamental to the work.
January 26, 2022
Gaining Participation in Clinical Trials
When it comes to patient recruitment and retention for clinical trials, the bottom line is simply this: It is important and challenging in all scenarios… the difference is in how significant the focus and effort will need to be.