illustration of a word cloud that shows gratitude and reliability as the main focal point with other related words around

The Basics of Gratitude

Reflecting on the basics of gratitude can help us find perspective and appreciate the good in our lives.

Happy Anniversary to Us!

I grew up in the Midwest — the middle child in a large family. We were each tagged with certain labels and expectations: the smart ones, the overachievers, and the ones still trying to find themselves (and that was before it was fashionable).

What’s the Latest?

There are many ways we introduce ourselves to make an impact and grab the attention of our audience. In our line of work, that might be what your path was into biopharma (I was headed toward academic medicine with my MD/PhD but diverted for the reasons described below), or it could be the diverse companies where you’ve applied your skills (in my case, rare disease and oncology). It can even be the cities where you have lived (I transplanted to Boston from the Midwest over two decades ago; at some point, I expect to master driving here).

Gen Z Advice for Seasoned Boomers

“Gen Z professionals have a low tolerance for inefficiency and are not going to allow their boomer bosses to remain selective luddites.” That’s how the breakfast conversation began earlier this month between my Gen Z son and his boomer parents. To put this in context, you need to know that it was yet another rainy holiday weekend in New England, and we had already tested the limits of our togetherness. So this declarative headline was an appealing distraction.

Find Your Own Light

It’s no secret that the last few years have been hard on just about everyone. COVID, climate change, political strife in the US and around the world… the list is long and troubling. Closer to home, biopharma has experienced its own set of challenges. As a recent article in The Boston Globe described, our industry is facing “… mounting business and regulatory changes: a slowdown in funding, calls to rein in fast-tracked drug approvals, and a new law empowering Medicare, the federal agency that insures Americans over 65, to negotiate the price of some medicines for the first time.”

Running the Biopharma Marathon

When I moved to Boston over thirty years ago, I had never even heard of the Boston Marathon. I grew up in the Midwest and moved to the West Coast for a district sales manager role. Boston, let alone the Marathon, just wasn’t part of my world.

“Rare Disease” Is More Than Just a Day

You might think it odd for me to begin this month’s e-conversation with a quote from a Supreme Court justice. However, this insight has stuck with me since Justice Sotomayor said it during her confirmation process in 2009.

Appreciation for Interconnectedness

It was March 2020 when I wrote the first sentences of issue #30 of this e-conversation. At the time, I acknowledged the WHO’s declaration that COVID-19 had reached the threshold of a global pandemic.

DNA molecules banner

Moments That Matter