Success in Rare Disease: Patient Involvement Matters!

This past December, the FDA finalized its guidance on rare diseases with the…

Juggling Geographic Commercialization Priorities

Commercializing a pharmaceutical asset in one country is hard enough. Doing it…

Happy Anniversary to Us!

I grew up in the Midwest — the middle child in a large family. We were each…

Hybrid Work Strategies: 3 Tips to Transform Engagement

In this post-COVID era, our clients have experienced a culture shift — driven…

Running the Biopharma Marathon

When I moved to Boston over thirty years ago, I had never even heard of the Boston Marathon. I grew up in the Midwest and moved to the West Coast for…


Rare Diseases: Shaping Biopharma’s Future from the Past

We just completed Rare Disease month. With that in mind, Sue has asked me to step in for today’s e-conversation, as this topic is very much a part of…

“Rare Disease” Is More Than Just a Day

You might think it odd for me to begin this month’s e-conversation with a quote from a Supreme Court justice. However, this insight has stuck with me…

Patient Advocacy – Delivering on Patient Centricity in Drug Development

Historically, biopharma companies developed drugs for patients with an illness — but the illness was the primary focus. In recent years, much has…

Survival in Uncertain Times

Like so many seasoned industry professionals, we eagerly seek thought leader perspectives — on the current biopharma industry landscape; the…

Professionalism Still Matters

Sadly, another summer is coming to a close. If you have school-aged kids at home, you are undoubtedly already taking steps to shake them out of…

Be Bold, Be Empowered

Coming up the ranks in various roles, I remember feeling frustrated at times when leadership would not “decide” or “give direction.” We were all…