Finding Partners: Standing Out in a Field of Many

When biopharma executives or business development leaders think about…

Gaining Participation in Clinical Trials

When it comes to patient recruitment and retention for clinical trials, the…

Reboot the “Get Organized” Ideas

Last week, The NemetzGroup team met (virtually, of course!) to share insights…

Getting the Work Done

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Power to the People

Each month, as I ponder possible topics for this e-conversation, I find myself struggling with the same challenge: So many things to talk about; so…

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Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Consultants?

It is always risky to read one HBR article and then assume you can apply it to every other work scenario in front of you. But here we go anyway. In…

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Nature vs. Nurture

We have been publishing these "e-conversations" for just six months now. But I am happy — no, thrilled — to see that it has already become exactly…

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Where Has All the Strategy Gone?

Back in the Mesozoic Era, when I was coming up the marketing line (also known as the 90s), we used something called "The Mapping Approach to…

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What More Can We Do To Help?

Our last newsletter concluded with the following question: "If you could have an unlimited supply of anything, what would it be?" It was a question…

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Important Questions That Move Us Forward

I had two reasons for attending TEDMED in Palm Springs earlier this month. First, I wanted to be inspired! Second, I wanted to learn more about…

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Is Whac-A-Mole Rampant in Your Organization?

Today we examine a pervasive challenge in our industry: time and resources wasted as middle and senior leaders respond to a seemingly endless, daily…

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Your Future Story … How Good Is It?

Summer, sadly, is over. And while there are noticeable shifts with each change of season, I find the transition into autumn can often be bittersweet.