Workshop Facilitation
Guiding an organization through a process to brainstorm and evaluate differentiation opportunities
Our imaging client was in the process of developing its second prostate cancer imaging agent. The company had commercialized its first product in this space three years previously, but the new agent applied next generation technology and targeted different patient populations. The client had not conducted a head-to-head study of the two agents but needed a strategy for differentiating the agents as well as the overall prostate imaging portfolio from competitors.
The NemetzGroup implemented a two-phased approach to identify potential opportunities to clearly articulate the advantages of the individual products as well as differentiate the company’s franchise. We first implemented a cross-functional survey with over 30 respondents. We synthesized the input from the survey to inform a full-day differentiation workshop with 20 client attendees. The workshop involved a reverse brainstorming exercise considering the perspectives of all the client’s stakeholders as well as a prioritization module.
The survey and workshop successfully identified high-priority differentiation initiatives for the client to pursue. Owners and timelines were established for each of the selected initiatives; planning and evaluation are currently underway with The NemetzGroup support.